The Pure Hands Foundation
Fidya & Kaffarah
Fidya & Kaffarah
What is Fidya?
When someone cannot fast in Ramadan (due to ill health, travelling or menstruation for example) they should make up the missed fasts when they are able to do so.
However, if they will not be able to make up missed fasts (due to old age or chronic illness that is unlikely to improve) they should pay fidya for someone else to be fed.
It costs £2 per meal therefore:
A single missed fast the amount payable is £4.
If someone is unable to fast throughout the whole of Raman with a valid reason, the amount payable is £120 (£4 per day for 30 days).
What is Kaffarah?
Kaffarah is a charitable compensation made by Muslims for intentionally breaking any fasts during the holy month of Ramadan without a valid reason.
To atone for the intentionally broken fast, you must fast continuously for 60 days. However, if you are unable to do that, then you have to feed 60 poor people two meals a day at a rate of £2 per person As a result, this amounts to £240 for one intentionally missed/broken fast.